Dearest Pap;
Today is the very extraordinary date for you and for me. For you: Happy Birthday to you Pap!! Hope you enjoy this very special day wherever you are!! For me; finally I have able to pull together bits of my guts to pen down this little note for you.
It had been four long years since I gathered enough of this courage in order to drop this letter to your ends. At first I was terrified about the idea as I do not know if I am able to so…because I am so afraid that I will end up flooding my pillow and my bed instead. But I knew… I just got to do it now…
And all about my dad's...just keep on flashing on my mind…

He used to joke that that's called a man's arrogance…
And we always laughed at him… because he looks so much like bearing another brother for us…
My dad was a neat person. He will always make sure his attire is well-dressed. And he will usually match with a belt and a pair of nicely ironed trouser...Thanks to my mum for that...
A short pant is only meant for inside the house.
And the hair is neatly comb to the back...

Lying comfortably and lazily on the armed chair… that's his favorite place. To read his unfinished paper. To watch some combat movie. And most of all to steal some refreshing nap...

His smile….Although he was smiling, and yet he will not showed his big grin. Somehow apart from him, he will still kept his look of a Dad!!
I am afraid that all dad will have that protect their 'look of a father'..
But when he smiled, his dimple was deep enough that you can actually notice it from afar....
Not like other dad... my dad never really pampered us like the spoiled child. No toys unless for certain reason. No extra pocket money. And no going out late.
My dad's rules are the only rules that played in my family. If he said no, and that's NO. And that will be the final bargain...and no point for us hovering around and asking for second consideration...

And my dad?? All I have got is the stern face..
As much as I could recall, my dad never holds our hands when crossed the road.
Sometimes only he will held my mummy's hand...and we will be tagging along my mum's dress..
Looking up high and feeling envy of others kiddo looking at us beneath their dad's shoulder…

Still remember when I failed my Math's. It was bad and even myself couldn't accept it..
And I have faced the music terribly..and my tears just couldn't stop flowing..
And since that incident, I was not allowed to watch any TV since then..
As I grew older, I always wonder what is behind my dad stern look…
One thing for sure, he loves my mum a lot…
Look at the picture and it means a thousand words….

We began to realize the charm of my dad from the little things that he had did for us was indeed the BIG thing we ever have…
My dad had always be the hero of our house..
Most of the furniture in my house were made by my dad..
The cupboard; which kept all of our belongings and clothes. The kitchen cabinet; where my Mummy will eventually cook all the yummy delicacies for all of us. And not forgetting the writing table…where my Daddy made just for the 3 of us, where we were striving so hard to finish our never ending homework. And of course, the beautiful dining table which gathered all of us for the dinner. Yup, ALL of the furniture was hand made and signed with love by my Dad…

I still remember there's a time where we saw a picture, where a small room can fit into
3 beautiful beds lovingly..
In a family of 3 bubbly daughters, my younger sister and I always end up slept on the 3 of us is sharing one tiny bedroom where it only feed a single bed. The next few week, my dad had managed to build 3 little comfortable beds for his 3 little princess, exactly like the picture we saw..

Who needs a plumber or an electrician when you have ONE MIRACLE DAD in the house??

But Pap, he just stood there without a word. How could you Dad?? Is there no love for me at all?? Is it I am not worth for any concern at all?? My tears were flowing uncontrollably as well…having a thought that Pap does not care about me anymore??
It hurt even more when Pap tries to stop mum from talking to me. He just said, “Come on, just let her go it’s time now..or else the plane will take off!!”
He dragged my mum to aside while signaling me to be off by now…

“Just GO!!”Dad still yelling…
As I turned around to have one last glance of my beloved friends and families, I saw something that I was not believed as well even though with my own eyes! This is not TRUE…
It was the tear of my beloved Pap. Pap was eventually shedding tears for this little black sheep of the family. His voice still trembling from within. And the tears just won’t stop!!

Suddenly I found the long lost courage. I knew I have to be brave. Just as what Pap wants me to be!!
It was eventually the love that he showered to us all this while!!
The sweat that make the furniture in order for us to sleep soundly. The generosity that takes us to have all those remarkable holiday.
The ability to mend the broken gadgets just to ensure us to have a GREAT home. And of course, not forgetting the act of a father for his daughter to have enough of courage to leave her little home behind for studies…
Unfortunately, Pap, you were not here anymore in order for me to said thank you for the unconditionally love you showed to us all this while… but I really want you to know about this
Pap: Thank you for believing me… thank you for letting me knew that Dad’s love was not only meant for a piggy ride nor a loving face. We all missed you Dad… I did not dream of you anymore recently. Is it that you have long forgetting about us??
I knew you will not Pap, not even for a while. As you always tell us, we are the BEST asset you ever have. And I still believe that!

I knew you can hear us from above. Shined on us. Just stay close with us ya…
Just a little song that I would like you to dedicated to you up there:
Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say…
Now it's too late to hold you
'Cause you've flown away…
So far away…
Never had I imagined Living without your smile…
Feeling and knowing you hear me
It keeps me alive...
And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day…Darling I never showed you…
Assumed you'd always be there
I took your presence for granted
But I always cared...
And I miss the love we shared And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day…Although the sun will shine the same I'll always look to a brighter day…Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep…
You will always listen as I pray…And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way…
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day…
And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day…
Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say…
~ I Love You Dad ~
good one..make sure your show it to your dad.
altho he is not around anymore to be with us to share every single little things, but i believe he loves us the most till the day he say good bye...
SY: Thanks...I belive he can see that right now...laughing out about this silly daughter
Fong: Ya...indeed and always...
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